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Tamil Nadu police arrest 2 men for assaulting trans woman

The Tamil Nadu police have arrested two men for attacking a trans woman who worked at a software company, suspecting her to be a child kidnapper. The incident took place on Sunday, but the trans woman filed a complaint only on Tuesday. The police are on the lookout for five more accused.
A video from the site of the incident showed the woman tied to a flagpole and screaming as she was being beaten. The accused told the police that she was behaving suspiciously covering her face and head. The victim told the police that she was returning home to Pammal in Chennai. “Hearing her screams, some people untied her and rescued her,” a police officer said.
There have been similar instances of people attacking those they suspected to be child kidnappers in Chrompet in the outskirts of the city, the police said. The city police recently also issued a circular stating that there were no child kidnappers in the locality.
